

Finches come in a variety of colors and is the ideal pet for all the family and first-time bird-keeper


Moult: This is a natural occurrence where the bird changes its feathers and is usually problem-free. The process can take several weeks and the bird will become quieter and spend more time resting.

An abnormal moult can be caused by sudden shock or fright, disease or extremes of temperature.

Feathers: Feathers should not be allowed to become too dry. You can use a suitable fine mist spray together with a special solution to spray on, your pet shop can advise you on suitable products. Some finches do enjoy a bath, but not all of them.


Properly cared for your finches will live on average for 7-10 years.

Colds: The bird will be listless, with feathers fluffed up and wheezing if catches a cold. Keep him warm, do not bath and consult with your vet immediately.

Diarrhea: This is commonly caused by an excess of green, moldy or contaminated food, a change in diet or lack of fresh water. Keep him warm, make sure he has plenty of fresh water and consult your vet.

Mites: This is a parasite that feeds on birds' blood causing itching, weight loss and feather loss. Mites are easy to destroy with a suitable spray and your pet shop or vet will advise.

Toenails: Overgrown claws need to be clipped. If left they will endanger the bird by becoming caught in the cage wire. Care must be taken when cutting nails to avoid cutting the blood vessels and nerves. Consult your vet or pet shop.


A healthy finch should be:

  1. Bright and alert
  2. Have no signs of discharge from the eyes or nostrils
  3. Have a clean vent area
  4. Feathers should be flush to the body and not be fluffed up
  5. Should have no signs of breathing problems
  6. Movement should be fluent with no signs of lethargy